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Still Confused?
Below I have tried to give you some examples of what all of this comes to you with for the LOW Price of $ 17.95. What I like about this is DMC has over 300 colors out there right now, but you can limit the colors you want to use, so that it doesn't get to extravagant in cost. You can actually do a 10x13 portrait for around 20.00 excluding the cost of the pattern conversion.

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Cross-Stitch Pattern Block
These block are made up of 50 stitches making the pattern easy to read. The symbols are codes for colors used in the pattern
Symbol Codes
At the left is an example of a symbol code chart. Along with the name of the DMC thread used is also the DMC number which is very helpful when looking to purchase your thread.
Shopping Page
To the left is part of a shopping page. These come with each pattern list DMC thread used along with its number, how many number of stitches needed for that color, also in inches. This all makes it helful in determing how much DMC thread you will need for that particular color. Don't worry about this if you are a beginner, I can help you with this.